Maize CNC Field days hosted by ANPROMIS

From July 2nd to 4th, ANPROMIS conducted three practical training sessions across three distinct regions: Coruche, Coimbra, and Vila do Conde. These sessions, led by agricultural advisor Albert Porte Laborde, were well-received by participants and focused on the latest techniques and practices in corn cultivation.

The NUTRI-CHECK NET project was present during the first two days in Coruche and Coimbra, attracting participation from CNC maize farmers. These sessions were structured to offer theoretical and practical knowledge, catering specifically to the needs of these agricultural professionals.

Each training session began with classroom-based theoretical instruction. This segment featured presentations and detailed explanations of various crucial aspects of maize cultivation, particularly nutrition and fertilization management. The content aimed to provide farmers with advanced knowledge and strategies to effectively enhance their crop management practices.

Following the theoretical component, the sessions transitioned to practical field visits. These visits involved on-site analyses of different maize plots, allowing participants to observe and understand the growth stages and development of the crop firsthand. During these field visits, common challenges and constraints were highlighted in the crops, providing real-time insights and solutions.

The combination of classroom learning and practical application provided a comprehensive learning experience for the farmers, enabling them to improve their understanding and management of maize cultivation. The hands-on approach and expert guidance from Albert Porte Laborde ensured that the participants could directly apply the knowledge gained to their farming practices.

Overall, the training sessions organized by ANPROMIS were a significant success, contributing valuable knowledge and skills to the maize farmers.