Establish the NUTRI-CHECK NETwork to transform crop nutrition in Europe
Europe faces huge and urgent challenges of increasing crop productivity whilst reducing use of synthetic fertilisers and nutrient losses. This proposal is to establish a self-sustaining, multi-actor, Thematic Network called “NUTRI-CHECK NET” that builds farm-level adoption of best field-specific nutrient management practices across Europe.
Who are the project partners?
Create an inventory of crop nutritional decision tools to summarise current knowledge & best practices
practices across Europe
NUTRI-CHECK NET builds farm-level adoption of best field-specific nutrient management practices across Europe.
33 Cases Report
Education Needed
23 Cases Report
Water Needed
13 Cases Report
Medicine Needed
53 Cases Report
Food Needed
35 Cases Report
Donation Needed
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DELPHY: CNC Starch Potatoes video!
Delphy, NUTRI-CHECK NET partner, goes beyond just cultivating a superior potato. It’s about empowering farmers with knowledge and tools to