Field Day at Phosphorus Experiment | June 7th, Zealand, Denmark

On June 7th, a field day was held at the phosphorus experiment site in Zealand with a notable number of participants.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Background and preliminary results of the phosphorus experiments
  • Phosphorus in biochar
  • Position-specific phosphorus allocation
  • Crop response to phosphorus deficiency
  • Methods for determining phosphorus status
  • Phosphorus-mobilizing cover crops

The event began at the biochar experiment site and then moved to the nearby experiment focusing on position-specific phosphorus supply.

Main Conclusions:

  • There is high variability in the availability of phosphorus from biochar, necessitating further research.
  • Fertilizing late-sown spring barley poses challenges, such as nitrogen leaching and losses from denitrification due to early application and extreme rainfall.