CNC Western England | 22nd May 2024

The third meeting of the CNC West group was hosted by an arable farm in Shropshire belonging to one of the members of the group and was attended by six CNC members.

The group visited a winter wheat field trial (variety KWS Extase) in which part of the field had been actively monitored using a range of nutrient management tools (SMN testing, SAP analysis, leaf tissue testing, and the Yara N tester), in comparison to the farm standard N management approach. The group discussed the results/data provided by these tools, the merits/disbenefits of the tools, and the value/challenges of using this data to inform nutrient management.

Each member of the group provided a brief update on the N management tools they were trialing this season and their thoughts on the value/challenges of using these tools.

The group will continue to test their selected N management tools throughout the season and to use grain nutrient testing at harvest as a tool for reviewing nutrient management.