NUTRI-CHECK NET project field day at the Mondego Crop Fair 

On 5 and 6 September, Montemor-o-Velho hosted the Mondego Crop Fair 2024, organised by the Baixo Mondego Professional and Rural Development School. The event brought together farmers, technicians, and experts, providing a space for sharing the latest innovations and challenges in the agricultural sector. CONSULAI was present with the Horizon Europe project NUTRI-CHECK NET, leading the communication and dissemination of results and coordinating the Portuguese farmers’ network. This project aims to address the challenge of increasing agricultural productivity while reducing the use of synthetic fertilisers and the loss of nutrients in maize, wheat, and potato crops.

Visitors had the chance to see trials of different varieties of maize and rice, potato demonstration fields, exhibitions and demonstrations of agricultural tractors and machinery, and displays of products and services from various companies.

There were also lectures and debates attended by around 130 people. The lecture on the first day was given by Ana Paula Garcia, Subdirector-General of the DGAV, who discussed plant protection products, common pests and diseases, and emerging pests in rice cultivation. Carlos Parreira do Amaral, President of the Portuguese Rice Growers’ Association, presented on the evolution of rice cultivation and new trends.

The second day’s lecture featured Bruno Dimas, Subdirector General of the GPP, who spoke about new support measures for the sector, the importance of maize cover crops, and irrigation water management.

CONSULAI’s participation in the fair highlighted the NUTRI-CHECK NET project, which aims to increase agricultural productivity while reducing synthetic fertiliser use and nutrient loss in wheat, maize, and potato crops across 10 European countries. Their presence allowed them to engage with farmers and technicians and learn about regional practices.

Have a look below at some photos from the Mondego Cultures Fair 2024: