NUTRI-CHECK NET Joins EJP Soil Workshop to Align European Soil Practices

On December 4th, NUTRI-CHECK NET participated in the EJP Soil Workshop, a pivotal event focused on harmonizing soil analyses and improving agricultural sustainability across Europe.

The workshop highlighted progress in comparing soil analysis methods and fertilizer standards, as well as sharing fertilization approaches tailored to different crops. By aligning these practices, the agricultural sector can work toward more sustainable and efficient farming across the EU.

However, EJP Soil’s scope went beyond fertilization alone, emphasizing a broader understanding of soil health and sustainable management practices. This holistic approach ensures that soil, one of our most vital resources, is managed effectively for long-term productivity and sustainability.

By fostering knowledge exchange and aligning strategies, NUTRI-CHECK NET and EJP Soil are driving meaningful change for a healthier agricultural future.