NUTRI-CHECK NET at the Potato Europe 2024 event hosted by Arvalis

Recently, Arvalis hosted an event on Potatoes where Francesca Degan, NUTRI-CHECK NET partner, presented a poster on NCN.

There were 18 000 visitors, more than 400 exhibitors and a dedicated area for technical experts from Arvalis to share their research results and innovations to the whole potato value chain.

On the nutient management booth, Arvalis expert, Francesca Degan, produced a synthetic poster to present the NUTRI-CHECK NET project, its latest results, and the upcoming outcomes for 2024 and 2025:

  • Evaluate nutrient management tools and methods within the farmers’ networks
  • Provide a recommandation report on nutrient planning and management at the European scale
  • Propose a common approach on nutrient planning following the three steps: design, adjust, evaluate