NUTRI-CHECK NET: Addressing Soil Health at the EJP SOIL Annual Meeting

Climate change suggests that in agriculture it is necessary to take measures to improve the deteriorating soil condition. It suffers from intensive use, excessive fertilization, erosion, pollution, and other reasons.

What must we do today to have a healthy soil tomorrow? This and other important questions were discussed at the annual science days and the 5th general meeting of the international project “Climate-friendly agricultural soil management” (EJP SOIL) on June 10–14 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Event Overview

  • Organizers: EJP SOIL (European Joint Programme on Agricultural Soil Management) and Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Partners: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  • Date: June 10–14, 2024
  • Location: Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry

More than 260 scientists from 24 countries came together for the important goal of proposing solutions to ensure the healthy condition of agricultural soils. During the international event, three main soil topics were discussed: soil carbon sequestration, soil health monitoring, and sustainable soil management. During the academic days, 100 poster presentations and 200 oral presentations were presented.

The participants of the event also visited the experimental fields of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry and learned about the ongoing scientific research. During the social dinner, Lithuanian national dances and songs were presented to the guests, and Lithuanian folk dances and games were learned.

One of the presented projects was NUTRI-CHECK NET.

For more information, visit the EJP SOIL event page.