Field Day at Ytteborg Research Station: Innovations in Slurry Applications

On June 12th, 2024, Ytteborg Research Station hosted a field day event titled “Slurry is Gold,” attracting around 250 farmers and consultants. The event featured demonstrations and discussions centered on innovative slurry application methods, highlighting the potential of slurry as a valuable resource in sustainable agriculture.

Key Highlights:

Demonstration of Application Methods:

  • Two types of slurry were showcased: thick cattle slurry and anaerobically digested slurry.
  • The focus was on the impact of dry matter content and application methods on nitrogen use efficiency (NUE).

Field Trials:

  • Participants were divided into five teams, each comprising about 50 individuals, to visit a field trial in spring barley.
  • Discussions covered the objectives of the study, various slurry treatments, and expected outcomes.
  • A demonstration on how N2O measurements are conducted in the trials was provided.

Sustainable Practices:

  • The necessity for evolving slurry application methods in spring barley to support sustainable crop production was emphasized.
  • Current practices were reviewed, and the need for changes to improve sustainability was highlighted.

The event concluded that anaerobically digested slurry varies significantly in content and viscosity. Farmers need to account for this variation to maximize nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) before application.